The Top 10 Signs Of Gluten Intolerance And How To Stop It

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Gluten intolerance is a condition which is spreading nowadays through the world like an epidemic in recent decades. It is caused by sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in most grains (including wheat) as well as processed foods that can seriously damage your digestive system. Once it does, it will cause serious symptoms which are difficult to diagnose and to treat as well.

It is a serious autoimmune disease that can inflame your digestive organs and later spread to other body parts. As the disease is pretty difficult to treat, it’s very important to pay more attention to its early signs. Here are 10 surprising signs of gluten intolerance we need to recognize as early as possible:

10 Surprising Signs of Gluten Intolerance

  • Digestive Problems

The first thing you’ll experience in case of gluten intolerance are digestive problems including bloating, diarrhea and stomachache. If they occur after you consume some protein, you can be sure that you’re gluten intolerant.

  • Vitamin Malabsorption

When you’re gluten intolerant, the body won’t be able to digest the protein, resulting in problems with vitamin absorption and symptoms such as fatigue.

  • Acne And Skin Rashes

According to several studies, gluten intolerance is associated with acne, skin rashes and other skin disorders.

  • Migraines

Although the cause of migraines is still a mystery, some experts say it might be related to gluten intolerance. People suffering from gluten intolerance have reported frequent headaches and the development of migraines as a symptom, which is proof of a link between the two.

  • Joint Pain

If your joints hurt, but you’re not suffering from arthritis, it might be gluten intolerance causing the pain. The inflammatory reaction can spread throughout the body and make your joints hurt.

  • Lactose Intolerance

Some experts claim that gluten and lactose intolerance may be linked, although there’s need for further research on the matter.

  • Fatigue

Although fatigue is normal after periods of physical activity, chronic fatigue may be caused by various problems including gluten intolerance. If you’re tired for no reason at all, we suggest visiting your doctor and getting a test.

  • Fibromyalgia

Although there’s still need for more research, gluten intolerance and fibromyalgia may be linked.

  • Neurological Problems

There’s plenty of evidence from small-scale studies that gluten intolerance may be linked to anxiety, depression and other neurological problems. According to one study, Celiac disease (a disease stemming from gluten intolerance) patients have a higher rate of mental disorders.

  • Hormonal Imbalance

It has been linked to infertility and heavy periods, which are directly linked to hormonal imbalance.

Besides these health problems, gluten intolerance can be linked to more than 50 other diseases. According to us, it can be associated with lupus, autism, schizophrenia and even cancer. Of course, it might not be the main cause for these diseases, but it can certainly contribute towards them. So, if you think you’re suffering from it, we suggest visiting your doctor and getting a test in order to detect the problem on time.

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